PS:很多学生和软件工程师都会好奇自己过去学习的算法有什么实际应用的价值。这个StackExchange的回答列出了各种经典算法在几个开源项目中的应用。作者罗列出了从最基础的hash table到字符串匹配和加密算法等在Chromium和Linux内核的代码。查看开源代码是学习算法实现一个好途径。
- 使用这些算法的软件或者硬件应该是被广泛应用的;
- 例子需要具体,并给出确切的系统、算法的引用地址;
- 在经典的本科生或者博士的课程中应该教过这些算法或者数据结构;
- 、和
- 调度、虚拟内存管理、跟踪文件描述符和目录条目等;
- ,用于内存管理、NFS相关查找和网络相关的功能;
- ,文字上的描述,主要是在教科书中实现,用于;
Knuth建议选择与机器字长所能表达的最大整数约成黄金比例的素数来做乘法散列,Chuck Lever 证实了这个技术的有效性;
- ,用于实现、等;
- ,用于处理flags、中断等,在Knuth第四卷中有对其特性的描述;
- 和
- 二叉树搜索用于、等;
- ;
- 和他的变体被应用于;
- 用于在运行时检查锁的正确性;
- 链表上的用于、等;
- 在某个里,冒泡排序居然也被实现了
Knuth、Morris和 Pratt [1]实现了一个线性时间复杂度字符串匹配算法。该算法完全规避了对转换函数DELTA的显式计算。其匹配时间为O(n)(其中n是文本长度),只使用一个辅助函数PI[1...m](其中m是模式的长度),模式的预处理时间是O(m)。PI这个数组允许DELTA函数在需要时能迅速运行。大体上,对任意状态q=0,1,...,m和任意SIGMA中的字符"a",PI["q"]保存了独立于"a"的信息,并用于计算DELTA("q", "a")。由于PI这个数组只包含m个条目,而DELTA包含O(m|SIGMA|)个条目,我们通过计算PI进而在预处理时间保存|SIGMA|的系数,而非计算DELTA。
[1] Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein Introdcution to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, MIT Press
[2] See finite automation theory
[1] A Fast String Searching Algorithm, R.S. Boyer and Moore. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 20(10), 1977, pp. 762-772.
[2] Handbook of Exact String Matching Algorithms, Thierry Lecroq, 2004
Chromium 浏览器中的数据结构和算法
- Demo中使用了图
- 用于压缩的
- 苹果实现的
- ,包含的有列表、堆、栈、向量、
- 非常广泛,包含的太多
- ,包含了诸如Boyer-Moore和Knuth-Morris-Pratt字符串匹配算法等;
- 最近最少使用算法有多种实现方式,在Linux内核中是基于的;
- 其他可能需要了解的是先入先出、最不常用和轮询;
- VAX、VMS系统中大量使用FIFO的变体;
- 的被用于Linux中页面帧替换;
- Intel i860处理器中使用了随机替换策略;
- 被用于一些IBM的存储控制中,由于在PostgreSQL只有简单的应用;
- Knuth在TAOCP第一卷中提到的被用于Linux内核中,FreeBSD和都在使用jemalloc并发分配器;
- grep和awk都实现了使用Thompson-McNaughton-Yamada构建算法实现从正则表达式中创建NFA
- tsort实现了拓扑排序
- fgrep实现了;
- GNU grep,据作者Mike Haertel所说,;
- Unix中的crypt(1)实现了(Enigma Machine)中的加密算法的变种;
- Doug Mcllroy基于和James合作的原型实现的,比用来计算Levenshtein距离的标准动态规划算法更好,Linux版本被用来计算最短编辑距离;
- ,尤其是Tiger Tree Hash的变种,用于点对点的程序,例如和;
- 用于为软件包提供校验码,还用于*nix系统()中的完整性校验,同时他还支持Windows和OS X系统;
- 实现了需要加密算法,诸如AES,Blowfish,DES,SHA-1,SHA-2,RSA,DES等;
- yacc和bison实现了
- 支配算法用于基于SSA形式的最优化编译器;
- lex和flex将正则表达式编译为NFA;
小波压缩(Wavelet压缩)是JPEG 2000的基础,所以所有生成JPEG 2000文件的数码相机都是实现了这个算法;
冲突驱动条款学习算法(Conflict Driven Clause Learning)
自2000年以来,在工业标准中的SAT(布尔满足性问题)求解器的运行时间每年都在成倍减少。这一发展的一个非常重要的原因是冲突驱动条款学习算法(Conflict Driven Clause Learning)的使用,它结合了Davis Logemann和Loveland的约束编程和人工智能研究技术的原始论文中关于布尔约束传播的算法。具体来说,工业建模中SAT被认为是一个简单的问题()。对我来说,这是近代最伟大的成功故事之一,因为它结合了先进的算法、巧妙的设计思路、实验反馈,并以一致的共同努力来解决这个问题。。许多大学都在教授这个算法,但通常是在逻辑或形式化方法的课程中。
167 accepted | Algorithms that are the main driver behind a system are, in my opinion, easier to find in non-algorithms courses for the same reason theorems with immediate applications are easier to find in applied mathematics rather than pure mathematics courses. It is rare for a practical problem to have the exact structure of the abstract problem in a lecture. To be argumentative, I see no reason why fashionable algorithms course material such as Strassen's multiplication, the AKS primality test, or the Moser-Tardos algorithm is relevant for low-level practical problems of implementing a video database, an optimizing compiler, an operating system, a network congestion control system or any other system. The value of these courses is learning that there are intricate ways to exploit the structure of a problem to find efficient solutions. Advanced algorithms is also where one meets simple algorithms whose analysis is non-trivial. For this reason, I would not dismiss simple randomized algorithms or PageRank. I think you can choose any large piece of software and find basic and advanced algorithms implemented in it. As a case study, I've done this for the Linux kernel, and shown a few examples from Chromium. Basic Data Structures and Algorithms in the Linux kernelLinks are to the .
Data Structures and Algorithms in the Chromium Web BrowserLinks are to the . I'm only going to list a few. I would suggest using the search feature to look up your favourite algorithm or data structure.
Programming Language Libraries
I think they are worth considering. The programming languages designers thought it was worth the time and effort of some engineers to implement these data structures and algorithms so others would not have to. The existence of libraries is part of the reason we can find basic data structures reimplemented in software that is written in C but less so for Java applications.
Allocation and Scheduling AlgorithmsI find these interesting because even though they are called heuristics, the policy you use dictates the type of algorithm and data structure that are required, so one need to know about stacks and queues.
Core utils in *nix systems
Cryptographic AlgorithmsThis could be a very long list. Cryptographic algorithms are implemented in all software that can perform secure communications or transactions.
Compression and Image Processing
Conflict Driven Clause LearningSince the year 2000, the running time of SAT solvers on industrial benchmarks (usually from the hardware industry, though though other sources are used too) has decreased nearly exponentially every year. A very important part of this development is the Conflict Driven Clause Learning algorithm that combines the Boolean Constraint Propagation algorithm in the original paper of Davis Logemann and Loveland with the technique of clause learning that originated in constraint programming and artificial intelligence research. For specific, industrial modelling, SAT is considered an easy problem (). To me, this is one of the greatest success stories in recent times because it combines algorithmic advances spread over several years, clever engineering ideas, experimental evaluation, and a concerted communal effort to solve the problem. The is a good read. This algorithm is taught in many universities (I have attended four where it was the case) but typically in a logic or formal methods class. Applications of SAT solvers are numerous. IBM, Intel and many other companies have their own SAT solver implementations. The in OpenSUSE also uses a SAT solver. |